Smaragdi Antonopoulou

Smaragdi Antonopoulou

Smarragdi Antonopoulou is a graduate of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Athens and she completed her PhD thesis at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry of the University of Athens. She was a scientific collaborator and paid member of research projects at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry until her appointment in 1998 as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition Science of Harokopio University.


Since 2008, she has served as Professor, Vice Rector for Financial Planning and Development (2004-2011), President of the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition (2004-2008 and 2010-2012), Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Education (2016-2020), member of the Council of the University of Hellenic University (2012-2016) and Director of the Laboratory of Biology, Biochemistry and Physiology of Humans and Microorganisms (2004-2017). Her research work is included in more than 138 publications in international peer-reviewed journals (>5,650 citations, h-index=42), 7 chapters in international edited volumes and 2 chapters in Greek edited volumes, 3 invited commentary articles on the International Atherosclerosis Society-Nutrition website, 13 publications in Greek journals and more than 220 presentations in international and Greek conferences. She is involved in 5 OVI Patents and one International Patent. She has supervised the preparation of 10 PhD theses, more than 20 postgraduate students’ theses, a large number of undergraduate students’ theses, and 3 postdoctoral researchers. In addition, she has successfully coordinated and managed a significant number of projects, 1 European (FP5), 7 co-funded projects (3rd Framework Programme and NSRF) and 10 privately funded projects.